Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cavern (Video Game)

I made the short trailer and the game site was designed by my partner. It's promotional and provides information about the project.

It was a 5 week project, and made possible by spending days on Skype, and spamming e-mails back and forth. He did the coding, and I art directed, developed concept art and created the visual assets. I tried to do a bit of the coding and he tried to do a bit of the art. It was great to experience the processes in developing a game, the interaction between artist and programmer, and tackling design limitations due to time and software constraints.


First image is a custom controller that I made for a two player game called Cavern. I'll release a trailer and concept art for it in the next post.

Second photo is a product I made for the Art Market last year. It's a neat experience making the something you designed, it's like concept art forealz.