My teacher is late, so did this while we're waiting. 30min sketch for a possible environment look for sidescroll platform.
And, just another mock up, trying to learn if I can draw a collidable map in photoshop, because right now it's looking like I have to use this confusing tile map system. I don't want to do that for a couple reasons, the biggest being restricting the style to that of an old 8-bit game, which I don't want.
OK, through days of research and asking questions on the forum. I managed to get this Click in screen, then use left/right arrows to move when you land. It's a little buggy. I'm so exhausted doing programming. It's necessary though because it tells me how to make the visual assets. (It would suck to spend 8 weeks making visual assets and then find out I can't use them because of flixel's or my technical limits.)